Whatever the scale of operations, business heads have to manage various internal, external and functional aspects viz. finance, sales, marketing, operations, competitive analysis et al. Management consulting firms play a critical role in providing such solutions. An important aspect of running a business is the Making Decisions and making them Right.
We are the first to launch DECISION CONSULTING for MSMEs in the strategy and tactical arena.
A few examples of decision making can be –
Strategic Decisions –
- Refocus the direction of the Business;
- Secure funding to scale up the Operations;
- Manage a disaster recovery Response;
- Develop a strategy for achieving operational excellence.
Tactical Decisions –
- Choosing one supplier over the other;
- Next move against Competitors new marketing Strategy;
- Make or buy decisions for an upcoming Product;
- Different pricing strategies for different markets.
Such problems require strategic, tactical as well as operational decisions based on understanding of businesses’ DNA, articulation of available options keeping in mind market wide trends, competition, and the vision of future growth trajectory of the business.
It requires an acute understanding of business, a lucid knowledge of industry and market specific current state of affairs to be able to take scenario based, relevant, structured and quality decisions.
This is where ‘Decision Consulting’ can come to rescue of the bootstrapped entrepreneurs and the CEOs micro, small and mid-sized businesses.
‘Decision Consulting’ is an art as well as science involving gamut of interlinked resources including-
- Dynamic research-based decision capabilities;
- Comprehensive consulting with Real-time decision support;
- Outside-in view due to industry wide knowledge and experience;
- Factual data driven decisioning using AI, data science and cloud technology
We provide a combination of Consulting, Decision Modeling, and Training each at a fractional cost and as a piecemeal offering.
We are first to introduce bite size. To get advantage, try size of your choice.
Our decision modeling engagement program can help micro and small enterprises to apply best practice analysis and design techniques.