Whether the goal is to recuperate from fossilized state or to carve a niche right from the start-up stage, capitalization stands at the core. Business management consultancy helps proactive decision making in the organization. Reach and readiness make the grade for winning streak and plays a pivotal role in whirling these dreams to reality.
Covid-19 times have made investors and entrepreneurs realize that to be in business, for long term, the focus should be on value than valuation. There were times when the focus was to burn cash, acquire customers and bring volumes. This may not always result in profits but definitely result in higher valuation of a business leading to short breath and eventually succumbing.
The current trend and long-term vision of any promotor or founder or investor is on profits and longevity in business. Rightly so, because it has been aptly understood that if you must run far and not fast, the focus should be on stronger Balance Sheet and better margins.
In a double measure to funding, MSMEs of today need guidance to be ready for funding. Essentially this means that MSMEs need NURTURING AND NOURISHING so that when they go out for funding, they should be the first ones to be picked up from the flock of other competing companies.
Our offerings regarding the Financing assistance are:
- Readiness for Adequate Financing
- Effective Cash Flow Management
- Assistance with Fundraising
We help enterprises get funding in the form of equity or debt from the Angel Investors and/or VCs subject to the stage at which the enterprise is at.
We also help enterprises explore various credit and financing options from Banks, Financial Institutions and Government Schemes like Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme, Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI), Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP). We further help the SMEs explore surrogate finance streams and lending cohorts for speedier credit while making the enterprises ready for financing opportunities.